In general, your financial luck will be better this year. If you have a steady job, you will make more money this year. But for those working for commission such as insurance, real estate, your business will be affected by the worldwide recession. However, thanks to the lucky star “Tai Yan”, you will see a helping hand assisting you from a male you are close to. This could be a friend, a family member or a colleague. With the help from this person, things will turn for the better. There might be an unforeseen event that will cost you to spend /lose some money, so try to refrain yourself from buying the luxury items you so enjoy. Moreover, be alert about fraud to steal your money. Just remember, avoid any risky investment, and don’t ever listen to those so-called experts, strangers or friends, and stay away from investment, loans and gambles. Save up as much as you can, you will happy that you did. Your peach blossom luck is the on a high note in the year of Ox, so get ready for a year of opportunities. Although this peach blossom luck is on the "foggy" side, which means it doesn't guarantee that you will meet “THE ONE”, but I am sure no one is complaining about having good peach blossom luck this year.
For the single Tigers, you are most likely to meet someone this year. Therefore, lots of eligible guys and girls are in the store for you Tiger ladies and men, and you will get to choose your pick. The partner with the most potential, though, might be someone from your circle of friends or from work. So keep your eyes opened and always look your best. For those in committed relationships, you may finally hear the wedding bell and head over to the aisle this year. Nevertheless, even married Tigers will be tempted this year - third parties will suddenly emerge from the woodwork to seduce the married/attached Tigers. So keep your will strong, Tigers, and do not succumb to a moment's urge. Keep communication between you and your partner open and warm, and you will see a blossoming of love, respect the fidelity for your partner. Career wise, things might be a bit tough in the first half of the year. However, things will go smoothly at the second half of the year. If you own a business, a male friend will lend you a helping hand from time to time. And if you work for a company and your boss is a male, then it is important for you to work hard and show your talent to the boss. Once he sees what you are capable of, you will have the opportunity to work on important projects that might get you promoted. You have a tendency to dream. Though it is not a bad thing, you need to learn to dream something that is more feasible and practical. Health prospects will be a little poor in the year of Ox, but there is no major illness to worry about, mostly like food poisoning and problems in the digest system, teeth and spleen area. Avoid eating out or partying too much. Emotionally, even though your popularity is on the rise, when you are on your own, you might feel a bit down and lonely.